Say what's up to our lovely Forest Souls customer, Samantha Foster, located in Florida! Eight trees have been planted through her purchases! She's wearing the Forest Souls of Life dress in this photo posing by her favorite tree.
What has inspired you to be part of Nature? "I am part of native american; Cherokee and Navajo coming from my mother's side. My family and I strongly believe in preserving and respecting Mother Nature because of all the resources She provides; water, oxygen, and living things. If it was not for Her, we would have not survived! Also, my grandparents had a RV and we traveled all over East Coast seeing some national parks. Great Smokey Mountains National Park located in North Carolina is absolutely my favorite because there are a lot of black bears around during summer time, and when autumn season comes, the leaves on the trees look magically beautiful."
What is your favorite tree and why? "My favorite tree is Banyan trees because of their strange growing habits. The tree's roots spring up from the ground, which form new trunks and sometimes wrap themselves around the main trunk. Interestingly, it grows figs and attracts animals around its ecosystem, like birds and monkeys. They can grow up to 100 feet in height and live approximately 1,000 years. Native to India many Banyan tree seedlings were imported to south Florida in the late 1800's including my hometown where I grew up climbing on Banyan trees' roots. Unfortunately, they are listed as one of endangered trees due to the hurricane damages, so my community is trying to preserve Banyan trees."
Here's a message Samantha wants to share with you guys: "Please preserve our Mother Nature, show it some respect and do your best to take good care of Her".
Again, congratulations on being featured as Forest Soul of the Week! Thank you for all your support and sharing your love for trees with us!
#forestsouls #forestsouloftheweek
Brenna DeBartolo